Tips for Traveling with Diabetes: Staying Healthy on the Go

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Tips for Traveling with Diabetes Staying Healthy on the Go

Are you dreading your next journey because of the extra worries of managing diabetes? Travel can be extremely tricky for those with diabetes, but it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With proper planning and preparation, you’ll find many ways to stay healthy while on the go. 

In this article, we’ll cover tips and tricks to help make traveling with diabetes less daunting so that you can focus more on enjoying your trip. From carrying adequate supplies of any supplements for diabetes or easy-to-follow diet advice – these strategies will ensure smooth sailing while exploring.

what is diabetes

Prepare for Your Trip

Traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it can also be a stressful one. It is especially true for those with diabetes, who need to stay healthy and on top of their condition while on the go. To ensure a safe and enjoyable trip, individuals with diabetes must prepare by packing all necessary supplies, including medications, glucose monitors, and snacks. 

It is also important to research local food options and carry a list of emergency contacts and medical information in case of unforeseen circumstances. With proper planning and preparation, those with diabetes can enjoy all the benefits of traveling while prioritizing their health. Additionally, it is recommended to inform your hotel of any medical conditions before arrival in case special accommodations need to be made.

Carry Healthy Snacks

When traveling with diabetes, it is essential to plan and bring along quick and easy snacks that can help keep blood sugar levels balanced. Snacks that contain a blend of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats are ideal for individuals with diabetes. Some great on-the-go snacks include trail mix, yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit, peanut butter crackers, and hard-boiled eggs. 

Having appropriate snacks on hand lets you stay energized without worrying about your blood sugar levels spiking or crashing. Additionally, it is essential to always carry water with you while traveling, as dehydration can increase the risk of low blood sugar. Knowing what foods to avoid with trulicity can also help limit unwanted side effects. 

Monitor Blood Sugar Levels

Monitoring blood sugar levels is essential to staying healthy while traveling with diabetes. It is recommended to check glucose levels before meals, exercise, and bedtime. Some helpful tools for tracking blood sugar include a digital glucose meter and continuous glucose monitor. Additionally, it’s essential to record any changes in activity or diet that could affect your blood sugar level. 

By keeping a record of your glucose levels, you’ll be able to quickly recognize any red flags and take appropriate steps to get back on track. Additionally, it is essential to always carry emergency supplies for medical emergencies while out exploring. It could include glucose tablets, juice boxes, and hypo kits – just in case. 

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for all travelers, especially those with diabetes. Dehydration can increase the risk of low blood sugar levels, so it is vital to ensure you drink enough water throughout your trip. Additionally, choosing snacks and drinks with electrolytes (such as coconut water or sports drinks) can help replenish any lost minerals due to frequent urination and sweating.

By taking the necessary steps to stay hydrated, you can ensure that your energy levels remain steady during your travels. Limiting caffeine intake is vital as it can cause dehydration or low blood sugar levels. With proper hydration and a few intelligent snacks, travelers with diabetes can enjoy their journey while keeping their health in mind. 

Get Enough Rest

Traveling can be exhausting, and those with diabetes need to get enough rest while on the go. Lack of sleep or excessive stress can increase the risk of high blood sugar levels, so take breaks throughout your day and get plenty of rest each night to stay energized. Additionally, it is essential to plan manageable activities. 

Simple tasks like sightseeing or walking can help you stay active without tiring yourself out. Additionally, scheduling some downtime for relaxation and reflection is essential – this will help keep stress levels low and allow you to appreciate your journey. By taking the time to rest and unwind, individuals with diabetes can enjoy their travels while maintaining a healthy balance. 

Talk To Your Doctor Beforehand

Before embarking on your journey, you must speak with your doctor about any questions or concerns. From discussing what medications should be taken while away to understand how certain activities can affect your blood sugar levels, conversing with your healthcare provider before traveling will help address potential risks. 

Your doctor can also provide important information about how to stay healthy while on the go and advice for managing any potential medical emergencies. By being proactive with your healthcare provider, you can have peace of mind knowing that all potential risks are addressed and considered before travel. 


Traveling with diabetes can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to prevent you from enjoying your journey. With proper preparation and planning, individuals with diabetes can stay healthy and safe while exploring the world. These strategies will ensure smooth sailing while exploring, from packing healthy snacks and hydration to monitoring blood sugar levels and speaking to your doctor beforehand. 

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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