The Most Important Question For Yo Yo Dieters, Food Addicts, And Restrictive Eaters ...

What's the difference between sitting down and eating a normal, decently sized meal where you don't think or feel hungry after finishing and has you peacefully enjoying your time with family and friends ...

And one where you are still hungry after eating so you cannot stop thinking about food and you can't stop repeatedly bingeing gobs of food down your throat until your stomachs painfully bloated and you're shamefully confused and critical towards yourself?

binge eating woman with the disorder

If You Think The Difference Between Peace and Bingeing ...

... how much willpower you can muster to follow the next diet, meal plan, cleanse, or fast ...

You'd be wrong.

... how much control you have over yourself, your habits, and your thoughts ...

You'd be wrong.

... if you could just be perfect or good enough somehow without messing up things up again ...

You'd be wrong.

... if you can just find the next system, trainer or course that tells you exactly what to eat and removes your confusion ...

You'd be wrong.

... if you could just stop self-sabotaging yourself and somehow rewire your brain to be more calm and less depressed ...

You'd still be wrong.

You're not alone. Millions of people struggle with binge and emotional eating every day and can't figure out why. 

picture of woman experiencing a food craving for chocolate cake as she stares dismally at a piece of lettuce

Today, binge and emotional eating has reached epidemic levels, not just in the United States, but throughout the world.

Over 41% of adults in the US obese and sadly, over 20% of children under 19 years of age are as well.

Disordered eating adversely impacts your career, relationships, and your ability to participate in the everyday joys of life.

It has devastating effects on your mental health.

It can lead to clinical levels of depression, anger, fear, anxiety and hopelessness.

So it’s understandable if you’re wondering….

"Why Can't I Stop Obsessing About Food Or Stop Myself From Eating?"

And why does my restriction and over eating get even worse after trying?

binge eating disorder cycle of restriction, cravings, shame and guilt with forbidden foods

stop Trying Temporary Diets That Are Expensive and Don't Work 95% of The Time!

depressed man over food

You shouldn't have to rely on things like diets, meal plans and other temporary programs like the new "latest and greatest" Whole30 or even Keto.

Most programs nowadays even offer healthy eating and psychology which helps with weight loss and energy but the root cause persists and the pain returns… often worse than before.

The chaos and confusion comes back, the eating gets worse, and the scale climbs higher.

New rules are needed, new methods of control as you try harder again and again.

Spending money on health, food and weight loss programs come at high cost. It’s estimated that the average yo yo dieter tries over 126 diets over their life, average of 2 diets per year which on average cost $2,500. And that's only the financial cost.

Surgery and pills come with high risk and dangerous side effects.

Why Modern Healthcare Can Never Heal Your Cravings and Compulsive Eating

Modern healthcare is unable to successfully stop binge and other unhealthy eating behaviors because it is "treatment" focused.

Anytime you are being "treated" for your eating, changes are being made from the outside-in.

This might work if back food was an isolated problem, but it's not.

Binge eating and associated pain is the result of a much deeper problem in an interconnected system of your body and mind.

These deeper problems are what cause uncontrollable cravings that "trigger" and shut off your logical mind.

The root cause of this problem can only be reversed from the inside-out.

Here is what you really should know.


Modern healthcare and diets do not address the underlying causes of your triggers, or the moments when you lose control and make an impulsive decision. 

The moments when you stop caring. The moments when you say "f*ck it". 

The times when you can't stop going back for more and more and don't know why.

The Key to Ending Binge and Restrictive Eating is Not Outside You… It's Within Your Self

woman food satisfaction

Enlighten Eats empowers you to create wiser eating habits by increasing your body and mental awareness to release the hidden causes of your cravings without emotional overwhelm.

You’ll finally get out of the spiral of pain, and return to the peaceful, free and healthy life you deserve. 

Isn’t it time to try a proven system that actually works to reverse the root causes of out of control eating? 

It's not about control. Doing things perfectly. Or finding the perfect diet. 

It's about getting to the root causes and uprooting them in a safe, effective way.

It's about finding your True Self.

The effects are permanent.

What is Enlighten Eats?

Enlighten Eats is a revolutionary emotional healing program that's highly successful at releasing the root cause of disordered eating.

While it’s not an "mindful eating program", we do use a few simple mindful eating food principles to achieve a greater goal:

Create a strong foundation in your awareness so you identify your True Embodied Self, what your body and mind need really need instead of comfort food, and ceasing the internal conflict

We focus on learning emotional and mindfulness techniques so all your daily activities become free of internal conflict and instead become opportunities for nourishment.

Instead of restriction, obsession bingeing and shame ... a gentle, calm, peaceful awareness pervades your day making food decisions intuitive ... as you discover who you really are.

Why Your True Self is the “Secret Sauce” to Ending Binge and Emotional Eating

Think of your core as True Embodied Self for your entire body-mind-eating system... where every decision is initiated.

When you lose communication to your core whether through past dieting or even childhood trauma, it leads to dysfunction and bad habits leading to more bad behaviors, quickly spirally out of control.

You can become disconnected from your body and true self for many reasons related to our modern lifestyle, stress, and physical or mental trauma.

Different parts of your brain go into "protection mode" by tensing up, getting anxious, creating cravings, obsessing, or criticizing you which worsens the imbalance the resulting pain and triggering a binge.

Enlighten Eats guides you through a structured progression of reconnecting you back to your deep Self, which is your center of power.

We reprogram your psyche and body at a fundamental level to originate from the Self, which is the most effective way to permanently end the underlying causes of cravings and binge eating.

And the benefits extend far beyond becoming pain-free...

You’ll be able to return to foods, goals, and social activities you enjoy without the fear of self sabotage.

So What Is My True Embodied Self?

The training focuses on your deep Self, which is hidden beneath the food addiction and obsessive thinking, and is mostly a peaceful meta-awareness within your body.

This is where the problem lies (and the healing occurs).

When you lose connection from your embodied self, your eating and emotional behaviors tighten up in an attempt to protect your self.

The symptoms you feel are alternating periods of exhausting restriction and discipline followed by chaos and bingeing.

In the training, you’ll learn the exact steps to reactivate your embodied Self, and keep it present during eating and every day living.

Once you develop this strong foundation, your emotional and eating behaviors no longer need to tighten up to “protect” the vulnerable parts of you. They'll feel safe to relax. 

Your body heals and restores balance, which allows you to get out of the cycle of eating for relief. By the end of the training, you’ll know how to eat in a healthy way - from your true embodied self. 

Food becomes good for you. Whatever you’re engaged in during the day becomes a therapeutic activity that promotes further mindfulness, healing and pain relief.

Only Your True Embodied Self Can Heal the Underlying Cause of Your Binge and Disordered Eating

We need to move away from the “fix me” mindset.

When you go to healthcare practitioners to get adjustments, diets, nutrition advice and surgery, you are receiving passive healthcare.

This creates dependence, not true change.

Enlighten Eats is changing the way the world addresses underlying pain causing problematic eating behaviors by moving away from a passive treatment approach (the “fix-me” mindset of the medical system)….

And towards an active health participant mindset (education and personal action).

There’s no pill, diet, nutrition, or any other treatment that can heal your deep core more than your own daily awareness, wisdom and habits.

Enlighten Eats empowers you to control the health of your back through mindful awareness of eating patterns, reducing the need to seek out passive treatment from healthcare providers.

Experience a Powerful Shift in How You Relate to Food, Your Body, and Mind

family enjoying meal at home

You can't continue using food the same old way if you want to get rid of restrictive, binge and emotional eating.

It's the process of changing your body awareness that gets you out of the binge - diet cycle for good.

Even therapy and other mental health approaches are a temporary fix if you don't make true changes to how you eat or feel within.

So you must look at how you operate your body through a new lens.

That's what Enlighten Eats does...

It teaches you a new way to connect with your core and relate to your body.

It guides you away from the unhealthy, emotionally-reactive pattern of eating, and towards core-centered, wise eating... The best part?

Eventually this becomes your default food pattern... happening automatically.

Introducing ... 

Enlighten Eats - 3 Stages To Heal What Causes Disordered, Binge and Emotional Eating

  • Stage 1: Get basic food principles universal to every diet so you can start with a stable structure without restriction, dieting, or counting calories so you begin to feel more satisfied and connected.
  • Stage 2: Learn to understand why you crave and binge by discovering all the "protective" parts which trigger you to binge so that you can reduce internal conflict, obsessive-critical thoughts, and feel more at peace inside.
  • Stage 3: With greater "Self" energy you can now safely and gradually witness the trauma to release the biological pain of trauma that is stored in your body. Your relationship to food naturally improves as your authentic personality and courageous ability to connect socially emerges into light, peace, health and wholeness.

I, Jared Levenson, Now Have A Normal Relationship To Food After Finding My True Embodied Self

jared headshot transparent background business

I'm Jared Levenson and I am the founder of Eating Enlightenment.

Before helping hundreds of clients find balance in their relationship to food, I had to work through my own issues. 

For 13 months, I lived as Zen monk because of my years of binge eating that began when I wrestled in high school. 

My healing journey lead me to Masters degree in counseling, yoga and working as an Eating Disorder Recovery Counselor for years.

Now with over 12 years of experience combined with my studies under the world's leading experts in psychology, spirituality and self-transformation, I have been able to synthesize everything I've learned and lay out at 3 stage system for you to heal.

Here’s what people are saying about Enlightened Eats

journal testimonial

Gina Solis

Working Mom

"After 44 years, I am 100% done with unconscious binge eating!

At first I was really nervous that I wouldn't be able to stick with the program, but I went for it trusting I would learn the tools to prevent self-sabotage - and I did!

interview testimonial

Jennifer Andy

Business Manager

"After 35 years, I am finally over dieting and my mind is at peace.

It's hard work, but different than anything you've ever done before. This isn't a diet or any type of restriction. It's about self-discovery and going on your own journey to discover your inner Intuitive Eater.

meer testimonial journala

Mani Abreu


"I am no longer afraid of my inner child because my trauma is more or less gone now.

I can finally relax, not work so hard, and be kind to myself because the "parts" of me who felt compelled to diet, overeat etc have seen my inner child become healed.

Enlighten Eats - 3 Stages To Heal What Causes Disordered, Binge and Emotional Eating

3 Stages so you get over those painful moments where you feel internally conflicted and confused and end up losing control

eating enlightenment course

Get Exclusive Bonuses - Lifetime Access to Private Community

Bonus #1
Lifetime Access

Get Lifetime Access to this course and any future editions. 

Bonus #2
Email Support

In addition, you'll also get Lifetime Access to a email support with Jared Levenson. Email your questions. I'll get back you within 48 hours. Be sure to ask intelligent questions!

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Heal What Causes Binge and Emotional Disordered Eating in 3 Stages


Stage 1 

Find peace of mind knowing that you're following a sound nutrition plan.


Transition to Stage 2 

Stop feeling like you're a victim of your emotions.


Stage 2 (Part 1/2) 

Develop a deeper understanding of yourself and grow as a person.


Stage 2 (Part 2/2)

Connect with your innermost feelings in a safe way.


Transition to Stage 3

Feel safe and secure as you walk the path to healing trauma.


Stage 3

Finally be free from the shame, guilt, and self-hatred that drives binge eating and emotional eating.

100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee

We offer a 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee that does not expire, no questions asked. It's that simple. 

Everything You Get In Enlighten Eats Online Course

eating enlightenment course

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  • 3 STAGES TO HEALING - The course is divided into 3 stages, which will provide you with the tools and support you need to heal your trauma.
  • VIDEO LESSONS - Watch 11 video lessons (4.5 hrs) from experts in the field, and learn how to apply the concepts to your own life.
  • STEP BY STEP WORKSHEETS - Get step by step instructions on how to work through your emotional blocks.
  • LIVE INTERVIEWS WITH CLIENTS - Hear how other people have healed their binge eating, and learn from their experiences.
  • COMMUNITY SUPPORT - Connect with other people who are also healing their binge eating, and get support from the community.
  • FREE JOURNAL APP - We know that keeping a journal can be really helpful in your healing journey. That's why we've included a free journal app to help you stay on track. The app has tons of features including meal planning, progress tracking, and science articles
  • BONUS #1 Lifetime Access - This course never expires, so you can complete it at your own pace. You also have lifetime access to the course materials, including worksheets and audio recordings. We are constantly updating.
  • BONUS #2 Email Support - Connect with a food coach and ask unlimited questions via email.

Frequently Asked Questions

jared meditate enlightenment

What If I Have Specific Food Allergies or Diet Requirements?

No worries. Journal with your food rules and you'll discover how you can be free and in control at the same time without constantly thinking. We are NOT here to tell you what, when, how much, etc.

Is this anything like Intuitive Eating or HAES or Overeaters Anonymous? 

If you think this is anything like calorie counting, Intuitive Eating, HAES, dieting, willpower, CBT, or any other program - please let those notions go because this IS different! It's YOUR Enlightenment!

How much time this course take?

The course is meant to be self-paced, with a target goal of 1 year.

What if I quit or fail?

You failed those other times because you were forcing it. This IS different. This is about intrinsic motivation, working with all "parts" of yourself - even the "bad" parts which in their own way just doing their job.

Who Will I Be Without Binge Eating?

Your authentic personality that's safe, compassionate, and confident will emerge over time. You do NOT need to kill the binge part of you, only to help shift and transform.

Will I Lose Weight?

You may lose weight and many people do lose weight. However, weight loss is a nice by product but the real goal here is feeling back in control and at peace.

Enlighten Eats

eating enlightenment course

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  • 3 STAGES TO HEALING - The course is divided into 3 stages, which will provide you with the tools and support you need to heal your trauma.
  • VIDEO LESSONS - Watch 11 video lessons (4.5 hrs) from experts in the field, and learn how to apply the concepts to your own life.
  • STEP BY STEP WORKSHEETS - Get step by step instructions on how to work through your emotional blocks.
  • LIVE INTERVIEWS WITH CLIENTS - Hear how other people have healed their binge eating, and learn from their experiences.
  • COMMUNITY SUPPORT - Connect with other people who are also healing their binge eating, and get support from the community.
  • FREE JOURNAL APP - We know that keeping a journal can be really helpful in your healing journey. That's why we've included a free journal app to help you stay on track. The app has tons of features including meal planning, progress tracking, and science articles
  • BONUS #1 Lifetime Access - This course never expires, so you can complete it at your own pace. You also have lifetime access to the course materials, including worksheets and audio recordings. We are constantly updating.
  • BONUS #2 Email Support - Connect with a food coach and ask unlimited questions via email.

Namaste, the divine in me honors the divine in you

Eating Enlightenment is about the climb up to Self. I hope to see you on the mountain top, healed, whole, and happy.

𝓙𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓛𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓸𝓷

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