How to Reduce Insulin Resistance with Natural Supplements

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  • How to Reduce Insulin Resistance with Natural Supplements

Insulin resistance is a condition that affects many people around the world. It is characterized by the body’s inability to use insulin effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels.

If left untreated, insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems.

Fortunately, there are many natural supplements that can help reduce insulin resistance and improve your health!

In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of insulin resistance and how you can get relief from it with natural supplements. For more info you may see this post about the best supplements for insulin resistance in general (man made and natural).

What is the best supplement for insulin resistance?

The best supplement for insulin resistance will depend on your individual needs and lifestyle.

However, some of the most widely studied natural supplements include bitter melon, chromium, zinc, magnesium, cinnamon, fenugreek seed, ginseng and various omega-3 fatty acids.

Each of these supplements have been found to provide potential benefits in terms of reducing blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity when taken regularly.

It is important to note that not all supplements are created equal and it is always a good idea to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Remember those with an existing medical condition or who are pregnant should be especially careful when considering taking any type of dietary supplement.

9 Natural Supplements For Insulin Resistance

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a key role in reducing insulin resistance and improving your overall health. The vitamin helps to regulate cell signaling pathways, which can reduce inflammation and improve the body’s ability to respond to insulin. It has also been shown to increase insulin sensitivity, which can help lower blood sugar levels. In fact, studies have suggested that Vitamin D3 supplementation may help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Vitamin D is involved in the production of enzymes that control glucose transport into cells, as well as glucose uptake by muscles. Additionally, it helps promote healthy cell growth and proliferation, which helps with normalizing glucose levels. Furthermore, Vitamin D has been found to inhibit the release of inflammatory cytokines that are associated with insulin resistance.

Finally, Vitamin D helps keep calcium levels in balance; when calcium levels are too low, this can lead to muscle cramps and fatigue due to inadequate energy production from carbohydrates. Studies have found that people with Vitamin D deficiency were more likely to suffer from insulin resistance than those who had adequate levels of the vitamin. Therefore, making sure you get enough Vitamin D is essential for reducing insulin resistance and improving your overall health.


Zinc plays a crucial role in reducing insulin resistance and can be an important part of a healthy diet. Zinc helps to regulate the body’s glucose metabolism by controlling the production of certain enzymes that are responsible for breaking down triglycerides, cholesterol, and fatty acids. Additionally, it helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to further health problems related to insulin resistance.

Moreover, research has shown that zinc helps improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin and reduces inflammation. It also increases glucose transport into cells and reduces levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream. These effects help stabilize blood sugar levels, keeping them within normal ranges.

In addition to its direct effects on regulating glucose metabolism, zinc also plays an important role in maintaining healthy reproductive health in both men and women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). PCOS is linked with higher levels of insulin resistance and zinc supplementation has been found to reduce testosterone levels and improve ovulation rates in women with PCOS.

Finally, zinc is important for proper growth and development during pregnancy as well as for reducing oxidative stress caused by environmental toxins. This can help reduce inflammation throughout the body and reduce insulin resistance over time.

Overall, zinc is an essential nutrient for reducing insulin resistance and improving overall health. It helps regulate glucose metabolism by increasing its transport into cells, reducing inflammatory markers that cause diabetes-related complications like high blood pressure, and helping maintain reproductive health in people with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). In order to get enough zinc in your diet, incorporate foods like oysters, beef liver or kidney beans into your meals on a regular basis or take a supplement.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has been gaining a lot of attention in recent years for its potential role in improving insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. ACV is made from fermented apples and is rich in acetic acid, which has been shown to be beneficial for blood sugar regulation. Studies have found that consuming ACV can help increase insulin sensitivity by up to 34% over the course of an 8-week period.

Furthermore, research shows that taking ACV also helps to reduce postprandial glycemia (blood sugar after eating) as well as fasting glucose levels. This is likely due to its ability to inhibit certain enzymes involved in glucose absorption, helping reduce the amount of sugar absorbed by the body. In addition, it has been suggested that ACV can help promote weight loss by increasing satiety (fullness). This could further lead to improvements in insulin sensitivity over time.

ACV is also thought to help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can contribute to insulin resistance. Additionally, it has been found that taking ACV before meals can slow down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, thus preventing spikes in blood sugar levels afterwards. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals who are at risk for or already have diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

Overall, Apple Cider Vinegar has many potential benefits related to improving insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of developing diabetes and other metabolic diseases. Regular consumption may help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, slow down digestion and carbohydrate absorption, as well as improve satiety levels leading to weight loss. These effects combined could potentially lead to long-term improvements in overall health by reducing the risk factors associated with insulin resistance and diabetes.


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that have been found to play a role in the regulation of insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Studies have shown that consuming Omega-3’s can help reduce inflammation throughout the body, which is thought to be one of the major factors in insulin resistance. Not only do these fatty acids help reduce inflammatory markers, but they also increase insulin sensitivity by stimulating certain hormones involved in glucose metabolism.

In addition, research has suggested that incorporating Omega-3’s into your diet can help improve metabolic control by increasing HDL cholesterol levels and decreasing triglyceride levels. This helps to stabilize blood sugar levels and make them easier to manage over time. Furthermore, studies have found that intake of Omega-3’s can help reduce fat storage around the waistline and improve overall cardiovascular health.

Finally, consuming Omega-3’s may also help protect against age-related complications caused by insulin resistance such as fatigue, memory loss, depression, obesity, and other metabolic diseases. They have also been found to be beneficial for eye health as well as improving joint mobility and reducing pain associated with arthritis.

Overall, Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in managing insulin resistance and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

These essential fats are known for their anti-inflammatory effects which reduce inflammation throughout the body to improve insulin sensitivity; this effect is further enhanced by increased HDL cholesterol levels and decreased triglycerides which contribute to better blood sugar regulation. In addition, regular consumption of Omega-3’s can help protect against age related complications caused by insulin resistance as well as improving overall health including eye health and joint mobility.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a critical role in metabolic health, including the regulation of insulin sensitivity. It has been found to be beneficial in reducing inflammation and improving insulin sensitivity, helping to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that higher levels of magnesium are related to increased insulin sensitivity and better glucose control.

Magnesium helps support glucose metabolism by activating enzymes involved in energy production and cell signaling, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

Research has also suggested that it can help reduce oxidative stress by acting as an antioxidant and protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, it can help enhance the action of insulin and other hormones involved in glucose uptake, helping your body more effectively use the sugar in your bloodstream.

In terms of reducing inflammation, Magnesium has been found to block certain pro-inflammatory pathways within cells, thus decreasing inflammation throughout the body. This can help improve overall health, including metabolic processes such as insulin sensitivity.

Overall, Magnesium is an important mineral for maintaining healthy metabolic functions and regulating insulin sensitivity. It supports glucose metabolism by activating enzymes involved in energy production and cell signaling as well as protecting cells from oxidative stress damage caused by free radicals.

In addition, Magnesium may help reduce inflammation throughout the body while also aiding in the control of blood pressure and cholesterol levels; both of which are associated with improved metabolic health outcomes over time.


Resveratrol is a polyphenol compound found in the skin of certain fruits and vegetables, particularly grapes. It has been studied for its potential to help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Studies have shown that Resveratrol can reduce inflammation by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines (chemical messengers) as well as inhibiting certain inflammatory pathways. This leads to improved overall health, including better glucose control and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

In terms of improving insulin sensitivity, Resveratrol has been found to be beneficial in increasing the activity of an enzyme known as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). This enzyme plays a critical role in energy production and cell signaling, helping your body more effectively use sugar from your bloodstream. In addition, research suggests that it may help enhance the action of insulin while also blocking receptors that interfere with effective glucose uptake; this helps increase overall sensitivity to insulin over time.

Overall, Resveratrol is a powerful polyphenol compound known for its ability to improve metabolic health through increased insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation throughout the body. It works by activating AMPK enzymes which help increase glucose uptake while also blocking receptors that interfere with effective glucose uptake.


Berberine is an alkaloid compound found in a variety of herbs, such as barberry and goldenseal. It has been studied for its potential to help prevent or manage insulin resistance due to its ability to modulate glucose metabolism.

Studies have shown that Berberine can increase the uptake of glucose by activating enzymes involved in energy production, such as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK).

This helps improve overall glucose control and reduces the risk of developing complications associated with insulin resistance.

In addition, research suggests that Berberine may also have other metabolic benefits such as reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels; both of which are major risk factors for developing diabetes or complications caused by insulin resistance.

Furthermore, studies indicate that Berberine may reduce inflammation throughout the body by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines (chemical messengers) as well as inhibiting certain inflammatory pathways. This helps decrease oxidative stress damage caused by free radicals while also offering protection from other conditions like obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Additionally, it has been linked to improved cognitive function and memory retention; this further suggests its potential benefits when it comes to managing insulin resistance over time.

Overall, Berberine is a powerful alkaloid compound known for its ability to prevent or manage insulin resistance through increased glucose uptake as well as reduced inflammation throughout the body. It works by activating enzymes involved in energy production while also blocking receptors that interfere with effective glucose uptake.


Inositol is a compound found in several foods, such as cantaloupe, oranges and nuts. It has been studied for its potential to help prevent or manage insulin resistance due to its ability to modulate glucose metabolism.

Studies have shown that Inositol can increase the uptake of glucose by activating enzymes involved in energy production, such as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK).

Additionally, Inositol has been shown to decrease pro-inflammatory cytokines and inhibit certain inflammatory pathways. This helps reduce oxidative stress damage caused by free radicals while also offering protection from other conditions like obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Furthermore, research indicates that Inositol may play a role in improving insulin sensitivity by increasing the release of insulin from the pancreas and reducing blood sugar levels. This can further reduce the risk of developing complications associated with insulin resistance while helping to maintain healthy glucose levels over time.

In addition, studies have suggested that regular consumption of Inositol may also offer other metabolic health benefits such as decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol levels; both of which are major risk factors for developing diabetes or complications caused by insulin resistance.

Overall, Inositol is a powerful compound known for its ability to improve metabolic health through increased glucose uptake as well as reduced inflammation throughout the body. It works by activating AMPK enzymes which help increase glucose uptake while also blocking receptors that interfere with effective glucose uptake.


Cinnamon is popularly regarded as a natural remedy for insulin resistance, and studies have shown that it can indeed be effective in managing the condition. It contains cinnamaldehyde, which has been found to stimulate AMPK activity, which helps the body take up glucose more effectively while also inhibiting the production of new fat cells from existing fat. Additionally, cinnamon is known to reduce inflammation throughout the body by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines and blocking certain inflammatory pathways. This helps reduce oxidative stress damage caused by free radicals while also offering protection from other conditions like obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Furthermore, Cinnamon has been linked to improved cognitive function and memory retention; this suggests its potential benefits when it comes to managing insulin resistance over time. In addition, regular consumption of Cinnamon may help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels; both of which are major risk factors for developing diabetes or complications caused by insulin resistance. Studies have also found that Cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity in the body; this means that it triggers the release of more insulin into the bloodstream and thus helps to regulate glucose levels more efficiently while reducing the risk of developing complications associated with insulin resistance.

Overall, Cinnamon is a powerful natural remedy that has been proven effective in helping prevent or manage insulin resistance through increased glucose uptake as well as reduced inflammation throughout the body. It works by stimulating enzymes involved in energy production while also blocking receptors that interfere with effective glucose uptake. Additionally, regular consumption of Cinnamon may offer other metabolic health benefits such as reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels while also protecting cells from oxidative stress damage caused by free radicals. Furthermore, it has been linked to improved cognitive function and memory retention which could be beneficial when dealing with issues related to insulin resistance over time.

How much insulin do I need per day?

The amount of insulin you need to take daily will depend on your individual needs. Your doctor or healthcare provider will be able to determine the right dosage for you based on your age, weight, lifestyle and other factors. Generally speaking, the recommended dose is typically between 0.5-1 unit per kilogram of body weight per day. However, it is important to always follow your doctor’s instructions and guidance when it comes to taking insulin as they know what’s best for your health and well-being.

Food sources for insulin

Although insulin is a hormone that is typically administered as an injection, there are certain food sources that can also help to increase your body’s natural production of insulin.

For example, foods such as oats and barley contain soluble fiber which can help to reduce the amount of glucose entering into the bloodstream; this helps to keep blood sugar levels stable and in turn improve insulin sensitivity.

Additionally, foods high in chromium like broccoli and spinach have been known to boost insulin action while helping to lower cholesterol levels. Some other great food sources for insulin include garlic, onions, olive oil and nuts – all of which are rich in healthy fats and antioxidants that can be beneficial for managing diabetes or pre-diabetics symptoms.

Who should not take insulin resistance supplements?

People with type 1 diabetes should not take insulin resistance supplements as these are typically formulated to work with the natural insulin production of the body. People with type 1 diabetes don’t produce their own insulin, and therefore these supplements won’t be able to interact with their bodies natural processes and will likely have no effect on their condition.

In addition, people who have an allergy to any of the ingredients found in these natural supplements should also avoid taking them. For example, certain supplements may contain cinnamon, fenugreek seed or bitter melon; people with known allergies to these ingredients should not take them as they could cause serious adverse reactions. Furthermore, people who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also avoid taking insulin resistance supplements as there isn’t enough evidence regarding their safety during this time. It is always best to consult a doctor before taking any type of supplement.

Finally, if you suffer from any kind of chronic health condition such as heart disease or kidney disease it is important to speak to your doctor before taking an insulin resistance supplement. This is because certain natural ingredients can interfere with certain medications or treatments that you might already be on and could potentially worsen your condition instead of helping it. It is always better to be safe than sorry when trying out new treatments and medications for your health conditions so always seek medical advice beforehand.

What is the fastest way to treat insulin resistance?

The fastest way to treat insulin resistance is to adopt a lifestyle that focuses on optimizing your body’s natural ability to manage and regulate blood sugar levels. This includes making changes to your diet, exercise habits and overall lifestyle.

  • Firstly, it is important to focus on eating a balanced diet that has a good source of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and proteins. Complex carbohydrates from foods such as brown rice, oats, quinoa, sweet potatoes, beans and lentils help keep blood sugar levels stable for longer periods of time compared to refined carbs like white bread or processed foods.
  • Having healthy fats from sources such as avocado, nuts and olive oil can also decrease the amount of glucose in the bloodstream when eaten in moderation. Lastly, having lean proteins from fish and poultry helps reduce the impact of large meals on blood sugar levels over time.

In addition to dietary changes, exercising regularly can also help improve insulin sensitivity by decreasing body fat percentage which reduces the amount of free radicals in the bloodstream.

Low intensity aerobic exercise such as walking or cycling can be beneficial as well as higher intensity activities like weight lifting or HIIT workouts. Additionally, engaging in regular physical activity helps increase muscle mass which can further aid with managing insulin resistance over time.

Finally, it is important to practice mindful techniques such as yoga or meditation which have been known to have a positive effect on insulin levels due to their calming effects on the body’s stress hormones. Furthermore, getting enough restful sleep each night can also help balance hormones and maintain healthy blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Overall, adopting a comprehensive approach that focuses on making dietary changes coupled with physical activity and stress management techniques is one of the most effective ways to treat insulin resistance quickly and effectively over time.

Is there a supplement I can take for insulin resistance?

Yes, there are a variety of natural supplements that have been clinically proven to help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels. These supplements typically contain a combination of key ingredients such as bitter melon, chromium, zinc, magnesium and various herbal extracts.

For instance, Bitter Melon is a fruit native to India and contains compounds called charantin and momordicin which have been found to help reduce the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Chromium helps to improve insulin activity while zinc aids in glucose metabolism. Magnesium can also help reduce stress hormones that lead to increased insulin resistance while various herbs such as cinnamon, fenugreek seed and cayenne pepper can also provide added benefits when taken in supplement form.

However, it is important to note that not all supplements are created equal and some may contain potentially harmful ingredients or be of poor quality. Therefore, it is important to always do your research beforehand and make sure that you are buying from a reputable source. Additionally, those with an a preexisting medical condition or who are pregnant should consult with their doctor before adding any new supplements to their diet.

How can I reduce insulin resistance naturally?

In addition to dietary changes and regular physical activity, there are several other natural strategies that can be used to help reduce insulin resistance. For example, consuming a variety of low-glycemic foods such as non-starchy vegetables, legumes, and whole grains has been shown to be beneficial. Eating these types of foods is important because they are digested more slowly, allowing glucose to be released into the bloodstream at a slower rate.

Incorporating healthy sources of fiber into your diet is also important for reducing insulin resistance. Fiber helps slow down carbohydrate digestion and absorption which improves blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity over time. Examples of high fiber foods include beans, nuts and seeds, leafy greens, and vegetables.

Consuming healthy sources of monounsaturated fats like olive oil or avocados can also help improve insulin sensitivity since they provide energy without spiking blood sugar levels. Additionally, increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids from sources such as fish, flaxseeds and walnuts may improve the body’s ability to use insulin.

Herbal supplements such as cinnamon or fenugreek seed may also help reduce insulin resistance due to their antioxidant properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body. Furthermore, certain herbs like ginseng have been found to possess compounds which can increase glucose uptake by cells and lower blood sugar levels naturally.

Finally, making sure that you’re getting enough restful sleep each night is also essential for managing insulin resistance since it helps balance hormones in the body that can affect glucose metabolism over time. Additionally, engaging in stress management techniques like yoga or meditation on a regular basis may also help reduce stress hormones which contribute to increased insulin resistance when left unchecked.


Insulin resistance can be managed naturally by making dietary changes and incorporating physical activity into your lifestyle.

Additionally, there are several other natural strategies such as consuming healthy sources of fiber, monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and herbal supplements that may help reduce insulin resistance when applied over time.

However, it is important to note that not all supplements are created equal and it is always a good idea to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. Taking steps towards improving your health can lead to improved glucose control and ultimately better overall health in the long run.

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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