How to Gain Weight On Thighs Via Simple Exercises

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  • How to Gain Weight On Thighs Via Simple Exercises

Do you have trouble putting on weight?

Are your thighs too thin for your liking? If so, don’t worry – we have the perfect solution for you!

In this blog post, we are going to talk about how to gain weight on thighs, upper legs, and get bigger butt muscles.

Please keep in mind we’ll mainly focus on exercises, including weight lifting. However you should know that diet is equally important, but not the focus of this article.

We will provide you with a list of simple tips, including supplements to gain weight, that you can follow to achieve your desired results for your lower body.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Deadlifting variations

Deadlifts For Back or Deadlifts For Legs? What To Know

Deadlifting variations are an extremely effective way to increase the size and thickness of your thighs.

This exercise works by targeting all the major muscle groups in your legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes) simultaneously.

Not only does this create a more balanced physique, but it also encourages increased muscular endurance and strength.

When performing deadlifts, it’s important to keep good form and use proper lifting technique so your thigh and butt muscles benefit most.

  • Start by positioning your feet shoulder-width apart, then slightly bend at the knees.
  • Bend over at the waist and grip the barbell with a wide grip (just outside of shoulder width).
  • Keeping your back straight and core engaged, drive through your legs while maintaining a flat lower back to lift the barbell upwards until standing upright.
  • Throughout the entire movement be sure you are engaging your entire body; squeeze your glutes when standing up and drive through with your hips when lowering down.

Once you gain some experience in deadlifting form, there are several modifications you can perform including Sumo Deadlifts, Single-leg Deadlifts, Alternating Deadlifts or Romanian Deadlifts.

All of these variations focus on different areas of the body which can help target specific muscles for growth in order to get leg muscle faster!

Additionally, using lighter weights can facilitate higher reps as well as increase time under tension for more explosive gains!

Thighs: Building Stronger Legs

Thighs are an important component of a strong and healthy body. Having stronger legs can help improve balance and stability, as well as overall strength and power.

Many of us struggle to add size and definition to our thighs, but there are several exercises that can be done to achieve thicker thighs in just two weeks.

The first exercise to try is the squat.

The squat is one of the most effective exercises for building strength and mass in the legs.

Thicker Thighs | 10 Min Home Workout For Sexy Legs and A Rounder Butt -  YouTube

This exercise works all the major leg muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes) while also engaging your core muscles, including your lower back.

  • To perform a proper squat, stand with feet slightly wider than hip width apart and toes pointed slightly outward.
  • Bend your knees and begin to lower your body until the tops of your legs form a 90-degree angle with the ground.
  • You should feel tension on your quads throughout this movement; if you don’t feel any tension anywhere else in your body then you are not performing the exercise correctly.
  • Make sure to keep you back straight throughout the entire movement – no rounding – as this can lead to serious injury over time.

Single-leg squats are also great for developing strong thighs

Single leg squats target each leg independently, allowing for greater range of motion and balance.

To do a single-leg squat, stand on one foot with feet hip width apart and hold the other foot off the ground behind you at about ankle height.

Lower yourself down into a full squat position (hips below knees) while maintaining balance on just one leg; make sure to keep good posture throughout this movement by keeping chest up and shoulders back.

Again, if you don’t feel any tension in your quadriceps or glutes then you are not performing this exercise correctly.

Lunges are another great tool for building strong thigh muscles

All About Lunges: 13 of the Best Variations | Beachbody Blog

Lunges help isolate each leg while also targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously such as glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves.

  • To do a lunge properly begin by standing with feet hip width apart then step forward with one leg while lowering into a full lunge position (knee bent at 90 degrees).
  • Push off from the floor using heel of front foot (not toes) in order to return to starting position; repeat on opposite side for best results!
  • Keep chest up during this move and ensure that both knees remain aligned over ankles at all times in order prevent any knee injuries from occurring during this exercise.

Step ups are another great way to build strong thighs quickly

Steps on explosive power from one leg at a time which helps build strength faster than traditional squats or lunges due its quick pace nature; plus it’s easier than doing single-leg squats too!

  • Begin by standing facing away from a weight bench/box/stair set that is approximately 12 inches high;
  • place one foot firmly onto box/bench/stair set then drive through heel of other foot while pushing off box/bench/stair set in order to lift yourself upwards onto box/bench/stair set into full upright stance;
  • repeat same move with other foot before stepping back down onto floor – make sure that when lifting yourself upwards that both knees remain aligned over ankles at all times to avoid any knee injuries!

Another great exercise to gain healthy weight and building muscle is the leg press machine!

How to gain more weight in your butt and thighs?

Muscle growth and gaining weight in your butt and thighs can be a great way to improve your body composition, enhance balance, and increase overall strength and power.

To do this effectively, it is important to incorporate both diet and exercise into a well-rounded approach to help achieve those thicker thighs in two weeks or less.

In terms of diet, the key is to eat enough calories to fuel the extra work you will be doing with exercise. A muscle-building diet should consist of lean proteins such as poultry, eggs, fish and lean meats as well as complex carbohydrates from whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

Additionally, healthy fats from sources such as nuts, seeds and avocados can provide additional energy for workouts. It also helps to drink plenty of water throughout the day in order to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration during strenuous activity.

When it comes to exercise, squats are one of the best exercises for building strength in the legs while also engaging the core muscles including the lower back, as we mentioned earlier.

By combining a healthy diet full of lean proteins complex carbohydrates along with these effective exercises it is possible to gain more weight in your butt and thighs in just two weeks!

Don’t forget about rest days either—they are essential for allowing muscles time recuperate between workouts so that strength gains can continue unhindered!

Why should you train your butt and thighs?

Training your butt and thighs is important for a number of reasons, including improved balance, increased strength and power, enhanced athletic performance, and better overall body weight and posture.

Strengthening these muscles can help you become more stable in all sports activities from running to lifting weights, as well as reduce the risk of injuries due to weak or imbalanced muscles.

Strong glutes are essential for any type of movement involving your legs, whether it be running or jumping.

They also play an important role in stabilizing the hips and lower back which has implications for preventing injury and improving posture. Improved quadriceps strength allows for greater hip extension during activities such as sprinting or jogging.

This can help increase speed as well as promote a more efficient stride.

The hamstrings play an equally important role in both movement and stability of the knees, hips and spine.

Strong hamstrings help to reduce the risk of injury during activities such as sprinting or jumping by providing support to the knee joint while simultaneously reducing strain on the lower back. Additionally, strong hamstrings improve balance and coordination while enabling better control over range of motion when squatting or doing other leg exercises.

Stronger thigh and calf muscles also increase stamina over time; since they are responsible for propelling your body forward when walking or running they will become stronger with regular use.

When you gain muscle it also helps protect against bone issues like osteoporosis since bone density increases with weight bearing exercises that target the thighs – making them stronger in turn!

Lastly, having stronger thighs means your legs will look better aesthetically speaking! Developed thigh muscles give a shapely appearance that many desire from their fitness goals – no matter what their age or gender is!


Having butt and thigh muscle mass is essential for a well-rounded fitness regime, not just in terms of aesthetic appeal but also for improved balance, posture and overall performance.

By incorporating exercises like squats, lunges and step ups into your routine you can quickly reap the benefits of increased strength in these areas.

So make sure to add some extra time to your workouts focusing on these muscle groups!

Just remember to always warm up properly beforehand and take rest days if you start feeling overly sore or fatigued; this will help ensure that you’re making the most out of your butts & thighs training sessions while avoiding injury too!

If you want to lose weight, you may want to consider these exercises as well! However, you’ll of course want to adjust your diet.

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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