Gaining Weight With A Fast Metabolism 

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how to gain weight on a fast metabolism

Having a fast metabolism can make it difficult to gain weight, but it doesn’t have to be impossible.

While it may require more effort and dedication than those with slower metabolisms, there are still plenty of ways to put on the pounds without compromising your health.

Below, we’ll offer some tips for gaining weight with a fast metabolism for those who are looking for a little extra help, including supplements for weight gain

Why can’t you gain weight?

There are many reasons why it can be difficult for vegetarians to gain weight, including:

  • Not getting enough calories: Eating too few calories may prevent the body from gaining weight. Vegetarians should ensure they are consuming enough calories throughout the day.
  • Not eating frequent meals throughout the day: Eating smaller but more frequent meals can help increase caloric intake and provide more energy for the body to use while aiding in weight gain.
  • An unbalanced diet: A balanced diet of lean proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates, as well as plenty of fruits and vegetables, is essential for gaining weight in a healthy manner.
  • Not consuming enough protein sources: Protein helps build muscle and gives the body energy to burn which is key when trying to gain weight. Vegetarian-friendly protein sources include legumes, beans, nuts and tofu among others.
  • Too much cardio exercise: Exercising is important for any health goal, however doing too much cardio can cause weight loss instead of gain if not monitored correctly.
  • Too little sleep: Getting adequate restful sleep helps regulate hormones and metabolism which can affect how the body gains or loses weight over time.

Why is it hard to gain weight with a fast metabolism?

In addition to the struggles listed above, those with fast metabolism will find it even harder to gain weight!

If you have the fastest metabolism you’ll burn more calories when resting and when exercising. Your body also won’t store as much energy in the form of fat, which is necessary for gaining weight.

How can I gain weight with a high metabolism?

Eat More Frequently 

The key to gaining weight when you have a fast metabolism is eating more frequently throughout the day. This means having breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between meals (at least two snacks). Eating five or six times per day can help you consume enough calories and nutrients to gain weight without feeling overly full or uncomfortable. Eating frequently also helps keep your blood sugar levels balanced so that you don’t become easily fatigued or suffer from low energy levels. 

Eat More When You Do Eat

When you eat, make sure to eat more. Instead of having a small bowl of cereal for breakfast, choose something higher in calories and nutrients such as oatmeal with nuts and dried fruit. For lunch and dinner, add an extra side dish or two to your plate such as brown rice, beans or sweet potatoes. When snacking between meals, opt for foods like trail mix or nuts instead of low-calorie options like popcorn or crackers. 

Focus on Healthy Foods With Protein

You may be tempted to give into cravings for junk food like chips and candy in order to gain weight quickly, but this isn’t advisable. Instead, focus on including healthy fats and proteins in your diet such as avocados, nuts, nut butter and lean meats like chicken and fish. These foods will not only provide you with the necessary nutrients but they will also help keep you feeling fuller longer which will reduce your cravings for unhealthy processed foods. Additionally, adding healthy carbs such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, oats and brown rice can help provide additional energy as well as fiber which aids in digestion. 

Weight Lift

Weight lifting is another great way to gain weight with a fast metabolism. Not only will lifting weights help build muscle mass, but it will also increase your appetite so you’ll be more likely to eat the foods necessary for gaining weight. Depending on your fitness level, start slowly and gradually increase the amount of weight being lifted when you feel comfortable enough.

Consult a Health Professional

If you’re struggling to gain weight despite all of the tips mentioned above, consider consulting a health professional such as a doctor or nutritionist who can offer personalized nutritional advice tailored to your needs. They may suggest additional foods that are higher in calories or supplements that can help increase your calorie intake without compromising your health.

Stay Hydrated 

Staying hydrated is essential when trying to gain weight since dehydration can lead to fatigue and lack of energy which can make it more difficult to get enough calories throughout the day.

Drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day is recommended as well as drinking green tea or other herbal teas throughout the day which can provide additional nutrients while helping maintain hydration levels.

Additionally, if you find yourself feeling hungry between meals try having a glass of water first before reaching for food as sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger pangs.  


Getting enough sleep is also essential when trying to gain weight. When you are well-rested, your body has the energy it needs to rebuild muscle and store energy in the form of fat. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night and make sure to have a consistent bedtime routine that includes winding down activities such as reading or listening.

Now that we’ve covered the basic tips, let’s explore more frequently asked questions!

What’s a hard gainer?

A hard gainer is a person who has difficulty gaining muscle or weight. This usually occurs when the ratio of calorie intake to the amount of energy being used to exercise and move around is out of balance.

Why hardgainers have trouble gaining weight?

Hard gainers often have high metabolisms which can make it difficult for them to build muscle. To counteract this, hard gainers typically focus on consuming higher calorie diets and lift heavier weights during their workouts in order to encourage muscle growth.

Do hardgainers have bad muscle building genetics?

While genetics do have an influence on muscle building, it is not the only factor that determines whether someone is a hard gainer or not.

Other things such as diet and exercise regimen, hormones, sleep patterns, stress levels, and overall lifestyle can all play a role in how well muscles build.

Hard gainers may have genetic tendencies towards difficulty building muscle, but this does not necessarily mean they will not be able to put on significant mass with work and dedication.

Do you need to count calories?

Counting calories when trying to gain weight is not absolutely necessary, but it is a good practice that can help you reach your goals more quickly and safely.

Knowing how much energy (calories) you are consuming every day will give you an idea of how much food you should be eating in order to build muscle without gaining additional fat.

Additionally, tracking calories can help you understand the effects of certain foods on your body and make sure that your diet is balanced enough to fuel muscle growth.

How to gain weight with a fast metabolism and no appetite?

  • Start with 3 meals and 2-3 snacks daily.
  • Set alarms for a person who has not eaten for some time but does not want the food to be eaten.
  • Try including higher calories foods like nuts and almond butter, fruits and granola bars, and avocado.

How can I slow down my metabolism to gain weight?

  • Slowing down your metabolism requires making a few lifestyle changes.
  • Start by getting enough sleep each night, as lack of sleep can increase metabolic rate and make it harder to gain weight.
  • Incorporate more strength-training activities into your workout routine which can help build lean muscle mass and slow down your metabolism over time.

Is it hard to gain muscle with a fast metabolism?

Yes, it can be difficult to gain muscle with a fast metabolism since you need to consume enough calories to build muscle while still keeping your overall calorie intake within the recommended range.

How can I gain 20 pounds with a fast metabolism?

Gaining 20 pounds with a fast metabolism can be challenging due to the fact that your body may burn calories quickly. However, with the right amount of dedication and discipline, it is possible to reach this goal.

A combination of proper nutrition and weight training should be used to increase muscle mass and calorie consumption. Eating more regular meals throughout the day will help you consume a greater number of calories and also provide nutrients that are essential for muscle growth.

Finally, focusing on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, chest press, rows and pull-ups will help build muscle quickly. With enough consistency and effort, you can reach your goal of gaining 20 pounds while still having a fast metabolism.

If you are wondering precisely how many calories you need to help you gain weight, use this weight gain calculator.

How can I bulk up with a fast metabolism and no appetite?

If you have a fast metabolism and no appetite AND you want to gain weight, your best bet is a weight gainer supplement.

Is it possible to gain muscle with a fast metabolism?

Yes, it is possible to gain muscle with a fast metabolism. The key is to focus on eating more calories throughout the day and incorporating high-intensity exercises, such as weightlifting, into your daily routine. .

How can a skinny guy gain weight with a fast metabolism?

Skinny guys can definitely gain weight, even if they have a fast metabolism. The key is to consume enough calories and focus on strength training exercises. Start by increasing your caloric intake through nutritious foods like lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

In addition, strength training can help build muscle mass and slow down the metabolism over time. Focus on compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, chest press and rows to gain muscle quickly. With dedication and consistency, you can reach your goal of gaining weight with a fast metabolism.

How can I gain fat with a fast metabolism?

Gaining fat with a fast metabolism can be a challenge due to the fact that your body may burn calories quickly. However, with the right amount of dedication and discipline, it is possible to reach this goal.

The key is to consume more calories than you burn each day and focus on eating foods high in healthy fats like avocados, olives, nut butters, and oils.

In addition to consuming more calories than you burn, incorporate resistance exercises into your workout routine to build muscle mass and slow down your metabolism over time.

Lastly, be sure to get enough sleep each night because lack of sleep can increase metabolic rate and make it harder to gain fat.

Is it easy to gain weight with fast metabolism?

People with a fast metabolism have higher energy expenditures every day, and this makes gaining fat weight more difficult.

Can I gain weight even with a fast metabolism?

Yes, it is possible to gain weight even with a fast metabolism. The key is to focus on consuming enough calories and focusing on strength training exercises to build muscle.

How To Gain Weight On Fast Metabolism Conclusion

Gaining weight with a fast metabolism may take effort but it doesn’t have to be an impossible task!

By eating more frequently throughout the day focusing on nutritious whole foods such as avocados, nuts, lean meats and healthy carbs like sweet potatoes, quinoa and oats you can get your calorie surplus without compromising your health or energy levels too much.

Additionally staying hydrated by drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day plus green tea or other herbal teas throughout the day is essential for maintaining optimal nutrition levels while keeping hunger pangs at bay!

Lastly, incorporating ways to gain muscle mass and overall gain weight healthily including body fat, for overall body weight gain, is the key!

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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