Why Nutrition Matters in Supporting Your Body’s Healing Process After Injury

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Why Nutrition Matters in Supporting Your Body's Healing Process After Injury

Nutritional food is like a power source for your body, as it keeps you going strong and healthy. The food you consume affects many bodily functions, including your stamina, immunity, strength, and the rate at which your injuries heal. However, delays in healing may happen if you do not eat properly before or during the recovery process. Having a healthy diet can help your body recover and fight off infections. So, you should modify your eating habits to speed up the healing process, whether your injuries are the result of an accident or surgery.

Why nutrition matters?

Exercises designed to aid rehabilitation and physical therapy are often the focus of attention during injury recovery. Nutrition, however, is an additional critical component that must be considered at all times. Similar to how seeking the help of reliable personal injury lawyers in Las Vegas guarantees strong and successful legal representation, fueling your body with the proper nutrition promotes faster recovery and an overall better healing process.

When you eat well, you help the body recover faster by repairing damaged tissues, decreasing inflammation, and bolstering the immune system. Many factors influence your recovery, including the best emotional support of your family and friends, excellent legal representation that can ensure you maximum compensation, and most importantly, proper nutrition that can help your body fight off all the hardships it faces.

Tissue repair

Healing injured muscles, ligaments, and tendons is an important part of getting back on your feet after an injury. So, adequate nutrition provides the building blocks needed for this mending process. To regenerate damaged tissues, protein is necessary as it contains the amino acids the body needs. A diet rich in lean proteins, seafood, eggs, beans, and dairy products will provide enough protein for you. Vitamins A, C, and E, together with zinc, can increase tissue healing even more.

Enhancing body energy

An increase in energy loss is inevitable when the body adapts to the stresses of recovery. During this time, you must consume a sufficient quantity of calories to avoid energy depletion and promote healthy recovery. For long-lasting energy, make sure you include complex carbs like fruits, veggies, whole grains, and cereals. Avocados, almonds, and olive oil are all good sources of healthy fats, which may help with hormone synthesis and provide a much-needed energy boost.

Bone health

Bone healing is a common part of injury recovery, so taking care of your bones is very important if you want to make this process smoother and easier to bear. The process of mineralization and bone production requires calcium and vitamin D. For calcium, try dairy products and dark greens. For vitamin D, try sun exposure and fish. 

Focus on protein

When you’re recovering from an accident or surgery, protein is essential since it aids in tissue repair. It is critical for skin healing and immunity, in addition to its role in sustaining and repairing bodily tissues. If you don’t take enough protein, you can slow down wound healing and impair collagen production. So, to fix this issue, consume the protein part of your meals first.

For a protein boost, toss in some nuts with your breakfast cereal or salad. Also, have some milk with your food. Be careful to add pea protein to any milk substitutes, like almond milk, as many of these options are low in protein. Include some peanut butter and Greek yogurt if you want a quick way to get protein. Also, consider using dietary supplements, like protein smoothies and powders, if your doctor tells you it is okay to do so.

Healthy calories

During the acute phase of injury recovery, you should never get into a caloric deficit. Cutting down on calories at this time is not a good idea, as they are a natural booster of the recovery process in your body. However, be cautious. Although some calories are beneficial, others are detrimental and you should avoid them. Calories from foods like potatoes, lentils, and other complex carbs are considered good.

Sugary desserts, processed grains, and fast food are examples of bad calories as they don’t provide your body with true nutrients. The best way to load up on nutritious calories while grocery shopping is with fresh, complete foods, and these options are amazing at creating the energy needed to eliminate damaged cells and produce fresh, healthier ones.

Nuts and seeds

The most common injury symptom that could slow down the recovery process is inflammation. The good news is that you may reduce inflammation by eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish isn’t the only source of this nutrient. Other options include delightful almonds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts. Vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc are just a few of the recovery-enhancing minerals found in abundance in these foods. So, stock up on healthy nuts and seeds when you go grocery shopping to help yourself heal faster.

Proper hydration

Your risk of injury, from minor strains to major rips in ligaments and muscles, rises when you are dehydrated. A well-hydrated body is better able to regulate inflammation, keep connective tissues supple and healthy, and increase the effectiveness of the immune system. Then, what amount of water do you need to speed up your recovery process? Your water needs may change significantly depending on your height, weight, age, degree of physical activity, and geographical location, as those who live in drier, hotter climates tend to have greater water demands. All in all, the required water intake should be around 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women.

Injury recovery is a complex process that requires holistic care, and an essential part of it is proper nutrition. You can speed up the healing process, encourage tissue repair, lessen inflammation, bolster immunological function, and improve general health by giving your body the nutrition it needs. This can help you go back to your normal life as soon as possible, and all it takes is to be mindful, make deliberate decisions, and be kind to yourself. Keep in mind that nutrition is as vital as exercise and relaxation for injury recovery.

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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