Never Binge Again Review 2022 – Rip-Off or Worth To Try? Here is Why.

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  • Never Binge Again Review 2022 – Rip-Off or Worth To Try? Here is Why.

Never Binge Again” is a book written by Glenn Livingston, ph.D that aims to help readers overcome binge eating and emotional eating by teaching them a new approach to managing their food cravings.

The book provides strategies and techniques for managing emotions and changing one’s relationship with food. It has been well received by readers and has positive reviews, with 4.2/5 from 16, 241 reviews on Amazon.

In this blog post I review the “Never Binge Again” to help you determine whether the book and its techniques are worth a try.  

  • Overview of key ideas in the book
  • My pro’s and con’s of the book
  • Other frequently asked questions

Summary: Never Binge Again is a good beginner binge book. Like many other beginner binge books, it contains many useful strategies and educational info. However, the book doesn’t dive into trauma, or “parts” and the reader may not cure what’s really causing their disordered relationship to food.

Please know that Never Binge Again is one of many different books on binge eating, and you may want to see our top 15 best books for binge eating here too!

Key Ideas in Never Binge Again

1. What is the Pig?

The Pig is a metaphor used by Glenn Livingston to represent our “fat-thinking self” — the part of us that sabotages our best-laid plans to eat healthily and take control of our weight.

The Pig hijacks our survival instincts and drives us toward behaviors that aren’t in our best interest; it’s an out-of-control eating machine that can destroy everything if we let it. By understanding the Pig and its motivations, we can better identify and understand where these unhealthy cravings are coming from and how to resist them.

In Never Binge Again, this Pig is an enemy to all that you desire, including weight-loss and a healthy lifestyle alike. It stands between you and your goals, determined to hijack your survival drive with self-destructive food choices.

The Pig has eroded the quality of life for many through its unchecked gluttony and is a bully that must be caged in order for one to make progress towards any desired outcome. It is time for this pig to return to its cage so that real change may occur.

2. Birth of the Pig

Glenn Livingston explains in his book, Never Binge Again, how the Pig came to be. He posits that it was an evolutionary survival tool of prehistoric humans; a Lizard Brain that kept them from starving during times of famine.

The problem is that today’s environment has packaged foods full of addictive substances that fool our brains into overeating past the point necessary for survival.

Sadly, this reinforces and strengthens our “Pig” mentality regarding food and it leads us on the path to binge-eating.

Overall, the concept of The Pig can be incredibly helpful for anyone who struggles with emotional eating or bingeing behavior as it allows us to better identify where these patterns are coming from and how we can overcome them through self-discipline and self-compassion.

With a little bit of effort and determination, putting The Pig in its cage will become easier over time and eventually become second nature!

3. Food Plan

Introducing the ‘Food Plan’ part from Never Binge Again – a set of rules and guidelines which can help you take back control over your eating.

The Food Plan is an system devised by Livingston to help people gain control over their emotions and their eating. It is composed of 4 categories:

  1. Nevers
  2. Alway
  3. Unrestricted
  4. Conditionals

The main goal of the Food Plan is to create firm boundaries between what constitutes bingeing and what does not; as Livingston states in his book “Violating it even by 1% is going to be Bingeing.”

This means that your food rules need to clearly delineated so that everyone could agree if something constitutes bingeing or not (for example, if 10 people read your list of food rules they would all agree on whether one item constituted bingeing or not). This helps eliminate any ambiguity surrounding when you have allowed yourself to eat something or not and helps keep your Pig (the voice inside your head trying to convince you to eat) quiet.

Livingston also stresses the importance of writing down every single food rule so that it will become 100% clear if you violated the plan or not – this way, there won’t be room for ambiguity when deciding whether something was allowed or not.

Writing these rules down also helps make them more real – instead of being just abstract concepts in your mind, writing them down gives them physical form so that they feel more tangible and ‘real’. These physical reminders will help remind you why certain items should never pass through your lips again – reinforcing why certain items must remain off limits forever!

Overall, by establishing firm boundaries between what does and does not constitute bingeing, this system helps eliminate fuzzy lines where our Pig can attack our confidence and self-control. Writing these rules down makes them real – giving us tangible reminders as to why certain items must remain off limits forever!

With clear boundaries in mind and strong willpower guiding us forward, you can finally break free from our binge eating patterns and begin living healthier lives!

4. Weigh Yourself Everyday

Weighing yourself on a daily basis can be an invaluable tool when it comes to controlling your eating habits. Continuous feedback from weighing helps you make sure that your progress stays on track and enables you to make fast adjustments if needed.

This process is similar to how one drives, making minor corrections every fraction of a second for proper steering and direction.

Ideally, we recommend keeping the same daily routine – setting aside a portion of time every morning to weigh yourself so any corrections can be made promptly should they prove necessary.

In this way, it might become easier to resist temptations put forth by your inner-Pig as not knowing where you stand could inadvertently lead back down the path towards binge-eating.

5. Perfection and Making Mistakes

If the reader inadvertently fails and feels like they have been binging, what do they do? The answer isin Never Binge Again: don’t be ashamed, but forgive yourself. One of the best approaches to this change is to treat yourself as if you are a child trying to achieve something important.

Would you tell your daughter that it’s impossible because she fell when she tried riding a bike for the first time? Of course not!

Don’t make yourself feel weak for making a mistake. It takes courage and strength to make changes in our lives and mistakes happen along the way as part of that journey.

6. About More “Pig Squeals”

Never Binge Again by Glenn Livingston explains the best technique to counter pig squeals. Whenever you experience a thought, feeling, or impulse that encourages unhealthy eating habits, recognize it as the Pig speaking and definitely do not give it an inch – respond firmly and calmly instead.

For example, if you hear the Pig whispering “You’ve been doing so well for a month! You deserve a binge!”or “It won’t kill you! It’ll make it so much easier!” don’t be tempted to give in – they’re just falsehoods to try to manipulate you.

Acknowledge them compassionately but remind yourself of your commitment to take care of yourself by not binging, and saying something to yourself like:

  • “If you even give the slightest hint of lenience, it will be easier for your bad habits to take over like a wildfire.
  • Aim for 100% perfection with your diet at all times.
  • Never entertain cheat days or breaking the rules if possible – any amount of laxity means going back downhill quickly.”

Pro’s and Con’s of Never Binge Again


  • Introduces people to how “the pig” developed in childhood: Never Binge Again helps readers understand the root causes of their binging, providing deeper insight into why they’ve been struggling for so long.
  • Encourages readers to set their own food rules and to make them clear: Learning how to take control of your cravings is essential for success with this program, as this will help you stay on track and avoid reverting back to old patterns.
  • Motivating: This book provides a very realistic approach to breaking free from the grip of food addiction. It doesn’t require deprivation or restriction and encourages readers to be gentle with themselves while transitioning towards healthier behaviors.
  • Encourages forgiveness for mistakes: One of the key messages throughout the book is not to focus on perfection—it highlights that everyone makes mistakes and that’s OK. The goal is simply to become better than yesterday by continually making small improvements each day.
  • Popular book accessible for beginners: Never Binge Again has sold over half a million copies worldwide, making it one of the most popular books in its niche and an ideal starting point for newcomers looking for a system that works.


  • Does not address trauma or root causes of binge eating: Never Binge Again does not go into the psychological and emotional causes of binge eating, which can be an important factor in identifying long-term solutions.
  • Section on “pig squeals” or giving into temptation is simply not adequate and people will self sabotage: The section on recognizing and managing cravings is fine, but it fails to offer any meaningful advice when it comes to actually giving into temptation. As a result, many readers are still left feeling powerless in the face of relapse.
  • Has a perfectionistic approach often, even while saying to forgive yourself: For example, weighing everyday and saying no exceptions is one example of how this book can be a bit too intense for some readers, who may find that it triggers their own perfectionistic tendencies.
  • Creating food rules can be empowering but also then lead to feeling trapped: Although establishing food rules can help bring structure and clarity to your life, there’s a danger that they could become too strict—which may make you feel trapped or restricted rather than liberated.
  • Weighing everyday is definitely not for every person: This book promotes daily weigh-ins as part of helping you stay accountable and focused—but this isn’t an option that everyone feels comfortable with and may come with its own set of risks.

Who is Never Binge Again for?

Never Binge Again is an ideal starting point for those who are new to learning about binge eating and looking for a system that works. It offers a clear-cut approach to breaking free from food addiction, while also stressing the importance of self-forgiveness and setting your own food rules.

However, it’s important to note that this book does not address the underlying causes of bingeing, nor does it provide any meaningful advice when it comes to giving into temptation. Additionally, some may find its perfectionistic approach to be off-putting or overwhelming.

How do I change my binging habits?

Changing your binging habits is not an easy task, but it is possible. One of the key things to keep in mind is that you are not alone in this struggle. Many people struggle with binging habits, and there is help available.

It’s important to remember that change takes time and effort, but with the right tools and mindset, you can make progress.

Is Never Binge Again Diet easy to follow?

The Never Binge Again Diet is based on the principle that you are in control of your behavior, and that you have the power to choose not to give into temptation. This diet encourages you to create your own rules for how much food you eat, when you eat, and what types of foods you eat.

The idea behind this is that once you create your own rules for yourself, then it becomes easier for you to stick to them because they come from within rather than being imposed by someone else. This sense of self-control can help motivate people to make healthier decisions when it comes to their eating habits.

The Never Binge Again Diet also encourages people to follow their rules with 100% perfection. In other words, if they decide they aren’t going to eat after 8pm each night, then they should strive never to break that rule – no matter what happens or how tempting it might be.

The idea here is that if we can commit ourselves fully and completely to following our own rules, then we won’t be tempted as easily by external factors like cravings or peer pressure.

Is it possible to never binge again?

It is possible to never binge again, but it’s important to remember that progress and recovery are not linear. Even after you’ve made progress, it’s possible that you may slip up and have a binge. This does not mean that you’ve failed, it simply means that you’re human.

The key is to not let one slip up define your progress.

You are on your own personal journey. The book “Never Binge Again” by Glenn Livingston, offers a lot of useful advice on how to bounce back from setbacks and continue on the path to recovery.

How do I stop binge eating again?

Stopping binge eating again can be a difficult task, but it’s not impossible. One key step is to identify the triggers that lead to your binges. Once you know what these triggers are, you can work on finding ways to manage or avoid them. This can be difficult and may take time, but with the right mindset and tools, it’s possible.

How can I train my brain to not binge?

Training your brain to not binge is a process that takes time and effort. One key step is to understand your triggers and work on finding ways to manage them.

This can be difficult, but with the right mindset and tools, it’s possible. One tool that can be helpful is Lion’s Mane mushrooms, which has been shown to support cognitive function and may help to reduce cravings – the exact opposite of what major food manufacturers try to do.

Is it normal to binge sometimes?

Binging is not a normal behavior, but it’s important to remember that progress and recovery are not linear. Even after you’ve made progress, it’s possible that you may slip up and have a binge. This does not mean that you’ve failed, it simply means that you’re human.

The key is to not let one slip up define your progress. Stress eating, or diverging from your healthy eating plans, is understandable.

But to stop overeating, it is important to prioritize your mental health and the root causes of that desire.

At Eating Enlightenment, we have a 3 stage process heal trauma causing binge eating.

How do you reset a 3 day binge?

Resetting after a 3-day binge can be a difficult task, but it’s important to remember that you are not alone in this struggle.

One key step is to identify the triggers that led to the binge, and work on finding ways to manage them. It’s also important to practice self-care and self love.

The book “Never Binge Again” by Glenn Livingston offers practical strategies for managing triggers and breaking the cycle of binge eating.

It’s important to give yourself time and be gentle with yourself during the reset process. Remember that progress is not linear and that setbacks are a normal part of the journey.

How do I not overeat again?

To not overeat again, it’s important to understand your triggers and find ways to manage them. This may take time and effort, but with the right mindset and tools, it’s possible.

One key step is to learn to listen to your body and give it what it needs, rather than overeating or binging.

Most contemporary thought is about finding practical strategies for managing triggers and breaking the cycle of overeating. It’s also important to practice self love and remind yourself that progress takes time and setbacks are a normal part of the journey.

How do you remind yourself to not binge?

Reminding yourself to not binge can be a difficult task, but there are several strategies that can be helpful.

  • One strategy is to set reminders for yourself throughout the day. This can be in the form of a reminder on your phone, a sticky note on your fridge, or an alarm on your watch.
  • Another strategy is to have a plan in place for when you feel the urge to binge.
  • This can include things like calling a friend, going for a walk, or engaging in a different activity that you enjoy.

The book “Never Binge Again” by Glenn Livingston offers practical strategies for managing triggers and breaking the cycle of binge eating. It’s also important to practice self-compassion and remind yourself that progress takes time and setbacks are a normal part of the journey.

The Verdict

It’s a good, beginner introduction to getting over binge eating.

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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