Hot Topics In Pharmacy Practice

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Pharmacy practice has come a long way in recent years, and with the evolving landscape of healthcare, the role of pharmacy professionals is constantly expanding.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the hot topics that are dominating conversations in the field of pharmacy practice.

From telepharmacy to drug pricing, this guest post’s author, Sara Abdulrasoul will delve into some critical issues that are shaping the future of pharmacy and impacting patient care.


With the increasing need for remote healthcare, telepharmacy has emerged as a game-changing technology that enables pharmacists to provide clinical services from anywhere in the world.

Telepharmacy involves using video conferencing, messaging, and other digital tools to communicate with patients, healthcare providers, and other pharmacists. This innovative approach has been a boon for patients in remote or underserved areas who have limited access to brick-and-mortar pharmacies. It has also helped pharmacists expand their scope of practice and be more involved in medication therapy management.

Drug Pricing

One of the most contentious issues in healthcare today, drug pricing has a significant impact on the affordability and accessibility of medications. Rising drug prices are a major concern for patients, especially those with chronic conditions who rely on expensive specialty drugs. High drug costs can also strain the budgets of healthcare systems, payers, and governments.

While there is no single solution to this complex problem, pharmacists can play a crucial role in helping patients access affordable medications through medication therapy management, patient education, and advocacy.

Medication Adherence

Poor medication adherence is a pervasive problem that affects millions of patients worldwide and costs the healthcare system billions of dollars every year. Medication nonadherence is a major contributor to medication-related problems, hospital readmissions, and poor clinical outcomes.

Pharmacists can help improve medication adherence by conducting medication therapy management sessions, providing patient education, and using technology-based interventions such as medication reminders and automated refills.

Pharmacist Integration In Chronic Disease Management

As chronic diseases continue to be a leading cause of death and morbidity worldwide, there is a growing recognition of the importance of pharmacist integration into chronic disease management. Pharmacists can play a crucial role in helping patients manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease through medication management, lifestyle interventions, and patient education. Pharmacist integration into chronic disease management can improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and enhance the quality of care.

Additionally, with the increasing focus on preventive care, pharmacists can play a vital role in promoting healthy behaviors and delivering immunizations to prevent diseases such as flu and shingles. Their accessibility and expertise in medication management make them valuable healthcare team members when it comes to preventing and managing chronic diseases.

Opioid Crisis

Amidst the ongoing opioid epidemic, pharmacists have a vital role to play in combating this public health crisis. Pharmacists can help prevent opioid abuse and misuse by conducting prescription drug monitoring, providing patient education, and using tools such as Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) to identify at-risk patients. Pharmacists also have a vital role in opioid treatment and can provide medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction.

In addition to these hot topics, many other issues are shaping the future of pharmacy practice, such as pharmacogenomics, immunizations, and medication safety. As the healthcare landscape evolves, pharmacies and pharmacists must stay informed about these critical topics and adapt their practices to provide the best patient care possible.

The role of pharmacists in the healthcare system will only increase in the coming years, and they must be proactive in addressing these hot topics and being agents of change. By staying updated and embracing new technologies and practices, pharmacists can continue to play a vital role in improving patient outcomes and advancing the field of pharmacy practice.


Pharmacy practice is a dynamic field constantly evolving to meet the changing healthcare needs of patients and communities. The hot topics discussed in this post demonstrate the diverse roles that pharmacists can play in promoting patient-centered care, improving medication outcomes, and contributing to public health.

By staying informed about these issues and embracing innovation and collaboration, pharmacists can help shape the future of pharmacy practice and improve patient care.

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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