Why Am I Craving Cinnamon? Top 7 Reasons

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Why do we crave cinnamon?

It’s one of the most popular natural spices because it tastes so darn good!

But why are you craving cinnamon in particular, and why not any other spice?

There are many reasons why people may crave cinnamon, or even chocolate.

Here are 7 reasons why you might be craving this sweet, spicy and often sugary flavor:

1 – You’re Actually Craving Sugar

Cinnamon is often mistaken for a sugar craving, but it’s really just the flavor that people are after.

Many times cinnamon and sugar pair together:

  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Cinnamon cookies
  • Cinnamon cereals

When you eat something sugary with cinnamon in it, your brain tastes the sugar.

The cinnamon tastes good by itself.

But it’s really the sugar and cinnamon which causes your taste buds to activate serotonin production.

Serotonin is the hormone that sends signals to your brain saying “yum!”

This sensation can be addictive and may cause you to crave more of the flavor.

While it may seem like you are craving cinnamon …

Pay close attention to the foods with cinnamon that you are craving.

  • Are all of these foods high in sugar?
  • Is the ‘cinnamon’ you’re craving found in unhealthy foods?

If you are craving sugary foods, all of which just so happen to taste like cinnamon, then it’s more likely you are actually having sugar cravings!

2 – You’re Pregnant

It’s not surprising why pregnant people crave cinnamon.

Cinnamon is found in many pregnancy cravings like:

  • chocolate
  • ice cream
  • sweet rolls
  • breads

In addition, people think cinnamon speeds up your metabolism and helps you burn off extra weight gained throughout the pregnancy.

(Hint: cinnamon doesn’t speed up your metabolism but it does contain various nutrients, see more below! 

In addition, pregnancy hormones have been linked to an increased sense of smell which may lead women to crave foods with various smells like cinnamon, vanilla extract, or even to crave fish.

3 – It’s Cold Outside

Cinnamon is associated with warmth, in addition to spice.

Example: Cinnamon rolls are warm and gooey with sugary hot piping sweet sauce!

Often foods with cinnamon are warm. Think of all the comfort foods:

  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Warm apple cider
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Hot chocolate

When it’s cold outside, we often crave warm and comforting foods.

And what better way to get those cozy feelings than with some cinnamon?

Plus, these foods are usually high in sugar and carbs which can give you a quick burst of energy.

And when you are cold, your body burns more energy keeping you warm.

So when the weather outside is frightful, it’s no wonder why many people crave cinnamon!

Read here for other spices you need to try in your diet!

4 – You’re Stressing

Speaking of cinnamon comfort foods when you’re cold …

Why not cinnamon comfort foods when you’re stressing?

Of course, comfort eating is not a good way to handle stress.

But if you’re wondering why you’re craving cinnamon …

Is it possible you’re stressed and you’re craving stress relief?

Don’t you feel temporarily better when you bite into a warm, gooey cinnamon roll?

Bliss! A temporary distraction!

You stop thinking about work and just enjoy those brown swirls.

Do you find yourself with a cinnamon craving when your mood dips?

If so, it’s more likely you are craving the comfort foods (which happen to be associated with cinnamon).

Is this why you’re craving cinnamon?

5 – Low Blood Sugar from Dieting

Many diets these days are low carb, like Keto.

And when you’re on a low carb diet, your body is looking for an energy source because your blood glucose levels are low.

What does your brain tell you to eat?

Carbs! And lots of them!

That’s why people often crave sugary foods while on a low carb diet.  And many of our favorite sugary foods have cinnamon too!

If your blood sugar levels are too low, you’ll start craving carbs because these foods give you a quick burst of energy.

So if you’re noticing that most of the things you are craving have cinnamon in them, it may be because you are trying to cut back on carbs on a diet.

6 – Vitamin Deficiency

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a teaspoon of ground cinnamon weighing 2.6 g contains:

  • energy: 6 calories
  • carbohydrates: 2 g
  • calcium: 26 mg
  • iron: 0.2 mg
  • magnesium: 1.5 mg
  • phosphorus: 1.6 mg
  • potassium: 11 mg

Plus, cinnamon contains large amounts of antioxidants which are beneficial to your health because they help protect cells against damage from free radicals.

And why exactly do you crave this spice?

Perhaps you have a nutritional deficiency with one of the nutrients found in this delicious spice – iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium or sodium!

If you’re not getting enough minerals in your diet, your body’s response may be to seek them out from cinnamon.

Nutritional deficiencies in general can lead to strange cravings, like ice cravings, so if you can’t make sense of your cinnamon cravings this is a likely culprit.

7 – You Like The Taste

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Cinnamon tastes delicious!

If something sounds delicious to us, our body will tell us to eat it even if we don’t need the nutrients from that food.

Sugar, for example!

Besides the health benefits, just think about the flavor of cinnamon.

It’s sweet and spicy with a hint of warmth. And smelling cinnamon is simply a delicious aroma!

No wonder it’s one of the most popular spices in the world!

So if you’re wondering why you’re craving cinnamon, it could be because you simply like the taste.

The same reason applies to lemon cravings as well – you crave the taste! Yes, that’s right, some people like lemons.

Why do I like cinnamon so much?

There could be many reasons why you find cinnamon so delicious. It could be because of the warm, sweet flavor or the fact that it’s often used in cozy comfort foods. But it’s also possible that there are other reasons behind your craving.

Some diet myths say that cinnamon helps with weight loss. And while there’s no scientific evidence to support this claim, it might explain why you’re drawn to the spice.

Other cultures have also tried using cinnamon to purify poison, so it’s possible you may associate cinnamon with other things from past history. Yet the most likely reason is simply that you enjoy the taste of cinnamon!

Now why do you like the flavor so much? This is where genes come into play. Some people, because of their genes and upbringing, are more inclined to enjoy the taste of cinnamon more than others.

So if you find yourself constantly craving cinnamon, it could be due to your genetic makeup. either way, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the flavor of cinnamon!

Does cinnamon help with cravings?

It depends on the cinnamon craving.

If you are deficient in a nutrient that cinnamon contains, then eating cinnamon may help curb your cravings.

But if you are craving cinnamon because you have low blood sugar or are seeking a stress relief distraction, then eating cinnamon is not going to help.

In fact, it might make things worse!

So before reaching for some cinnamon to satisfy your cravings, figure out why you’re really craving it and address that underlying issue.

Cinnamon does contain many beneficial nutrients which is why so many people crave it, but there can be several reasons why someone might be desiring this particular spice.

It’s important to try and determine why exactly this is happening as opposed to just consuming cinnamon without investigating the root of the problem.

Here are tips to help you learn how to tell what you are craving right now.

Why am I craving cinnamon during pregnancy?

Are you staring the crumbs of toast and wondering “why am I craving cinnamon while pregnant”?

You’re not alone. It’s one of the most common pregnancy cravings.

There are a few theories as to why cinnamon is such a popular craving during pregnancy. One theory is that the body is trying to get more iron from the diet, which is also the vitamin deficiency causing you to feel cold.

Cinnamon is a good source of iron, so this may be the body’s way of getting what it needs.

Another theory is that cinnamon helps with nausea and vomiting, which are common during pregnancy. This could be why women who are pregnant and suffering from morning sickness often have a strong desire for cinnamon.

Whatever the reason, if you’re pregnant and craving cinnamon, there’s no need to worry. Just enjoy your toast with a little extra cinnamon on top!

What does it mean when you crave for cinnamon?

There could be a few reasons why you’re experiencing this sudden desire for cinnamon.

  • If you’re pregnant, it could be a sign that your body is low on iron and that you need to up your intake of foods rich in this nutrient.
  • Alternatively, if it’s cold outside, the warm and spicy flavor of cinnamon may be appealing to you as a way to keep yourself comfortable.
  • It’s also possible that you’re craving cinnamon because you’re feeling stressed. This is because cinnamon has stress-relieving properties that can help to calm and relax you.
  • Finally, if you’ve been dieting or have low blood sugar levels, eating something sweet like cinnamon may help to raise your blood sugar levels and give you a much-needed energy boost.

So, if you’re wondering why you’re suddenly craving cinnamon, it could be for one of these reasons.

However, if your cravings persist or become too strong, it’s always best to speak to a doctor or health professional to rule out any underlying health issues.

Cinnamon Craving Conclusion

Food cravings are often an indicator that something in your life is out of balance, whether it be a vitamin deficiency or you’re just craving sugar.

While there can be many reasons for cinnamon cravings, the most common ones are listed above.

If any of them sound like they may apply to you then try making some changes and see if your body responds positively.

Do you have any other reasons why people might crave this spice? Let us know in the comments below!

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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