11 Top Items College Athletes Need

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Top Items College Athletes Need

College athletes don’t get enough credit for the challenges they deal with every day. Among the struggles you may deal with, you may struggle with time management, injuries, and mental health issues.

Beyond that, you still need to find time for proper nutrition and sleep, deal with the constant pressure to perform both physically and academically and find a balance between playing sports and having a social life. 

And while some problems can be solved by Comrad Socks, you’ll need a wide array of tools at your disposal to make sure you can succeed in both your games and life.

Athletic gear is often provided by the school, but many of the items you’ll need for success will be up to you to find. Keep reading for our list of the 11 top items all college athletes need.

Keeping Up With Your Nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential for college athletes to maintain their physical health and energy levels. Athletes may need to consult with a nutritionist to develop a meal plan that meets their specific needs, but the following are a good start.

1. Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is crucial for college athletes, so a reusable water bottle is a must-have. And remember, you have more options than just water or sports drinks. Protein shakes, coconut water, and fresh-pressed juice can all be good options. 

2. Healthy Snacks

When you’re busy and need a quick bite, having something on hand with enough carbs and protein to keep you going is essential. You want healthy, tasty options that you’ll feel good eating, so consider options like protein-rich Greek yogurt and nuts or fresh fruit.

Handling Recovery

College athletes put a lot of pressure on their bodies. It’s not just about training; your body must recover too. Here are some tools that can make that process easier. 

3. Foam Rollers and Massage Balls

Foam rollers and massage balls can release muscle tension and improve flexibility. Rolling on a foam roller can help break up muscle knots and tightness, which can improve your range of motion and reduce soreness after intense activity.

4. Stretching Bands

Stretching can help improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and improve your range of motion. You can use stretching bands as part of your pre and post-workout routine to help reduce the risk of injury and promote recovery.

5. Compression Socks

Compression socks can help reduce muscle fatigue and soreness in the legs, which can speed up your recovery after exercise. You have many options when it comes to compression socks as well, with certain brands creating fun, stylish options that you’ll be excited to wear. 

Finding High-tech Solutions

Depending on the sport, there is some great technology available to track your progress and improve your performance.

6. Wearable Fitness Trackers

Wearable fitness trackers can help athletes monitor their heart rates, activity levels, and sleep patterns. This helps you track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

7. Nutrition Tracking Apps

Nutrition tracking apps can be used to help track your food intake and monitor your macronutrient and micronutrient intake so you can adjust your diet to better support your training.

8. Mental Performance Apps

Mental performance apps can be used to help improve your focus, reduce anxiety, and build mental resilience. 

Time Management Tools for Athletes on the Go

Balancing your athletic commitments with your academic responsibilities is a lot to keep track of—and you want to have some free time to spend with friends too! These tools can make it easier to manage your busy schedule.

9. Calendar Apps

Free tools like Google Calendar or Apple Calendar can be used to schedule workouts, practices, and competitions, as well as academic commitments like classes and exams. This can help you visualize your schedule and ensure that they are using their time effectively.

10. To-do Lists

Lists keep track of tasks and ensure you make progress toward your goals. Apps like Todoist or Any.do can be used to create and manage to-do lists and can be synced across multiple devices.

11. Time Tracking Apps

Time-tracking apps can monitor how much time you spend on different activities, including training, academics, and leisure time. If you’re not sure where your time is going, this will help you figure it out!

Win in Sports and in Life

Health is critical when you need to perform your best on the field or court. Good health can help you avoid injury, recover more quickly from workouts and competitions, and maintain a high level of energy and focus. Additionally, good health can help athletes manage the stress and pressure of academic and athletic responsibilities and can contribute to a positive mental outlook. 

While your specific needs will vary depending on the sport you play and your individual circumstances, there are simple solutions to help you play and live your best.

Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting enough rest, and incorporating recovery tools into your routine are all key components of maintaining good health. By prioritizing your health, you can improve your athletic performance, reduce the risk of injury, and set yourself up for long-term success.

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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