Why Am I Craving Buffet? Top 10 Reasons

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craving buffet

You’re standing in line at the buffet, piled high with all of your favorite foods. You can’t wait to dive in and try a little bit of everything. But as you reach for that first plate, you stop and ask yourself…why am I craving a buffet?

Buffets are usually associated with two things: all-you-can-eat food and overeating. But why is it that we so often find ourselves drawn to buffets, even when we know we shouldn’t? 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the possible reasons behind this phenomenon.

1 – The Allure of Variety


One of the main reasons people love buffets is because they offer a wide variety of food choices. When you go to a buffet, you’re not just limited to one dish; you can have whatever you want, as much as you want. And for some people, that’s a powerful draw.

If you’re the type of person who gets bored easily or has trouble making decisions, buffets can be especially appealing. They offer the chance to try a little bit of everything and find new favorites that you might not have otherwise discovered.

Think about a breakfast buffet –  there’s usually a wide selection of hot and cold items, sweet and savory dishes, and endless possibilities for pairing different foods together. It can be a lot of fun to experiment and see what combinations you like the best.

Of course, the downside to this is that you may end up eating more than you intended (more on that later). But if you’re careful and stick to a few small plates, you can enjoy the variety without overdoing it.

Next time you’re at a buffet, take a moment to look at all of the different options before filling your plate. Appreciate the chance to try new things and mix and match different flavors. Who knows –   you might just find your new favorite dish.

If you’re in Las Vegas please do check out a breakfast buffet because they are notoriously delicious!

2 – The Social Aspect of Buffets

Another reason people enjoy buffets is because they provide an opportunity for socializing. Whether you’re catching up with old friends or meeting new ones, buffets are a great place to gather and chat over food. And let’s be honest—who doesn’t love talking about food?

Buffets also tend to be more casual than sit-down restaurants, which can make them more inviting and relaxed. If you’re feeling shy or introverted, a buffet line is an easy way to strike up a conversation with someone new without feeling pressure to do so.

For socializing, a dinner buffet or a brunch buffet is usually best simply because people are more awake than during a breakfast buffet!

The Psychological Factors at Play

There’s also a psychological element at play when it comes to our love of buffets. For some people, the allure of an all-you-can-eat situation is simply too strong to resist.

After all, who doesn’t love the idea of being able to eat as much as they want without having to worry about paying extra? There are many more psychological factors we cover below!

Please note all the principles below apply to gambling on the casino floor too! Smells, scarcity, free beer, unlimited wine and alcoholic beverages, etc!

3 – Scarcity

In addition, studies have shown that the more food options we are confronted with, the more likely we are to overeat. So if you find yourself feeling ravenous every time you hit the buffet line, it could be because your brain is subconsciously trying to take advantage of the situation by eating as much as possible.

The third principle of intuitive eating is making peace with food. This means accepting that all foods can fit into a healthy diet, and there is no such thing as “good” or “bad” foods. When you make peace with food, you no longer have the urge to binge or restrict because you trust that you can eat whatever you want.

Be honest with yourself if you find yourself always going crazy around the buffet … is it because this is a “special” time you’re “allowed” to eat as much as you want?

This is a classic sign of a scarcity mindset. 

You feel like you have to “make the most” of this opportunity because you don’t know when or if you’ll ever have access to this food again. This can often trigger disordered eating behaviors, like bingeing or overeating.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to remind yourself that there is no such thing as “good” or “bad” foods. All foods can fit into a healthy diet, and you’re not doing anything wrong by enjoying the buffet. Try to focus on listening to your hunger cues and eating until you’re satisfied, rather than overeating just because the food is there.

Alas, many places offer unlimited beer and wine so that your ability to know when to stop becomes infinitely harder!

4 – The Power of Smell

One of the most powerful psychological factors that can trigger cravings for a buffet is the smell of the food. The sense of smell is closely linked to the limbic system, which is the part of the brain that controls emotions and memories. When you smell something that you enjoy, your brain begins to associate it with positive emotions, which can lead to cravings.

The average buffet has a wide variety of smells, from the savory aroma of roasted meats to the sweet scent of desserts. Peanut butter chip cookie anyone? Even the salad bar can have a pleasant smell from the dressings.

And for some people, these smells are simply too tantalizing to resist.

If you find yourself standing in line at the buffet more often than you’d like, take a moment to ask yourself why. Are you drawn to the variety of food choices? The opportunity to socialize? Or is it something else entirely? Once you’ve identified your reasons, you can be more conscious of your choices and make an effort to eat mindfully.

5 – The Power of Sight

Another powerful psychological factor that can trigger cravings for a buffet is the sight of the food. Just imagine a prime rib or a grilled vegetable pizza, don’t you sort of crave it, just seeing it in your mind’s eye?

So if you find yourself standing in line at the buffet, piled high with all of your favorite foods, it’s not surprising that you might start to feel a little bit hungry. But before you dive in, take a moment to ask yourself…why am I craving a buffet?

By understanding the reasons behind your cravings, you can be better prepared to resist them. And who knows? You might even find yourself making healthier choices as a result.

6 – The Power of Taste

The third psychological factor that can trigger cravings for a buffet is the taste of the food.

Taste is a very important factor in triggering cravings, because it’s one of the most basic ways that our brain experiences pleasure. When we eat something that tastes good, our brain releases dopamine, which is a chemical associated with pleasure and reward.

Of course this is very similar to the “variety” reason we listed earlier, but different in some important ways as well.

Variety is more about the # of different foods that you can see, whereas taste is about the different flavors you actually taste!

So if you find yourself at the buffet line more often than you’d like, pay attention to the foods that you’re drawn to. Do they tend to be sweet, salty, or savory? Once you know your triggers, you can be more mindful of your choices and make an effort to eat mindfully.

The bottom line is this: if you find yourself always standing in line at the buffet, take a moment to ask yourself why. Once you understand the reasons behind your cravings, you can be better prepared to resist them or make a wiser eating decision.

7 – The Power of Touch

The fourth psychological factor that can trigger cravings for a buffet is the touch of the food. Just think about all the different physical sensations at a buffet, besides taste. There’s the feel of the food in your mouth, the texture of it, and even the temperature.

For some people, these physical sensations can be just as pleasurable (or more so) than the taste itself. And when we add them all up, it’s no wonder that buffets can be such a powerful trigger for cravings.

Even the warm plates, the soft table cloth, and silverware can add to the experience.

8 – The Power of Sound

The fifth psychological factor that can trigger cravings for a buffet is the sound of the food.

You might not think that sound would have much of an effect on your cravings, but it actually does. When we hear the sound of someone eating, it can trigger a conditioned response in our brain that makes us crave the same food.

This is why you might find yourself craving a buffet even if you’re not particularly hungry. The sound of other people eating can be enough to trigger your brain’s pleasure centers and make you want to join in.

9 – The Power of Memory

The sixth psychological factor that can trigger cravings for a buffet is memory. Did you ever visit a buffet as a child after sports games or birthdays?

If so, then you might have fond memories of the experience that are triggering your cravings now. Memory is a very powerful thing, and it can be difficult to resist a craving if it’s based on something that you associate with positive emotions.

Even if your memories are not particularly positive (maybe you went to a buffet once and got sick afterwards), they can still trigger a strong emotional response that makes you crave the food.

10 – The Power of Emotion

The seventh and final psychological factor that can trigger cravings for a buffet is emotion. When you feel an emotion such as happiness or excitement, your brain releases chemicals that can increase your appetite.

So if you’re at a buffet because you’re celebrating a special occasion, it’s not surprising that you might find yourself craving the food more than usual. The same is true if you’re feeling stressed or anxious.

Emotions are a very powerful trigger for cravings, so it’s important to be aware of how you’re feeling when you find yourself at the buffet line. If you’re feeling particularly emotional, it might be best to avoid the buffet altogether.

Use a Food Journal to discover what makes you crave buffets

If you find yourself regularly craving buffets, it may be helpful to keep a food journal. Note what you ate in the hours leading up to the craving, as well as any other factors that may have influenced your urge to overeat.

For example, did you skip breakfast or lunch that day? Were you feeling particularly stressed or tired? Once you have a few days’ worth of data, look for patterns. Are there certain foods or beverages that seem to trigger your cravings? Do you tend to crave buffet-style meals when you’re feeling hungry or deprived?

Get our free food journal here!

Once you identify the triggers for your buffet cravings, you can start to make changes. If skipping meals is a trigger, for instance, try to be more mindful of meal times and make sure to eat something healthy and satisfying before heading out into the world.

Read our post here for more info “How to Catch Eating Triggers To Break Bad Habits”.

If certain foods tend to set off your cravings, avoid keeping them in the house. With a little effort, you can learn to control your buffet cravings and make healthier choices.

Cravings Buffet Conclusion

Buffets can be a tempting proposition for many of us, thanks to their all-you-can-eat format and wide variety of food options.

But before you heap your plate high with food, it’s worth taking a moment to ask yourself why you’re really craving a buffet in the first place.

Is it because you’re drawn to the variety of foods on offer? Because you enjoy socializing over a meal? Or because there’s something else at play psychologically? 

Once you’ve identified your motives, you can decide whether indulging in an all-you-can-eat buffet is really worth it—for your waistline and your wallet!

You may also want to read this chart to learn what common cravings mean from a nutritional deficiency perspective.

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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