The Most Important Vitamins For Teens For Memory And Mood

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  • The Most Important Vitamins For Teens For Memory And Mood

The teenage years can be a turbulent time. Aside from physical and hormonal changes, you can expect more responsibility at home and school. This can take a mental toll due to the pressure of living up to expectations. Hence, in order to give yourself the best chance for success, you need to be prepared. There are a number of ways you can achieve this, which vary from getting enough rest to watching what you eat. However, it’s the latter option we’ll focus on in this article. In particular, today we will discuss the vitamins you should prioritize in your diet to ensure that your mental and physical health is at its peak.

Top 5 Most Vital Vitamins For Teens’ Memory And Mood

When we go shopping for food items or when we visit our local pharmacies, it’s usually to satisfy a particular need, whether that’s getting something tasty to eat or a specific medication for an illness. However, certain vitamins in our food and medication can be very beneficial for memory and mood. As you can imagine, as a teenager, your memory is important to doing well in your academics, and when you are in a balanced mental state, you’re more likely to make good decisions. So, without further ado, here are 5 of the most important vitamins teens should consider:

  • B Vitamins (Cobalamin)
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K

B Vitamins (Cobalamin)

There are about 8 vitamins that make up the vitamin B family, but the one we’ll be focusing on is Cobalamin. Red meat, poultry, and eggs are just some food items containing vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 has a strong relationship with mental health. Most people diagnosed with depression have also been found to lack Cobalamin in their system. This isn’t to say that the absence of this vitamin causes depression and anxiety. Instead, this vitamin helps reduce or prevent symptoms associated with depression.

Vitamin C

The neurons in our brain are messengers that help convey information by way of electrical impulses and chemical signals between the different parts of the brain. Vitamin C, which can be obtained from citrus fruits and supplements, helps to protect the brain’s neurons. This has the combined benefit of improving cognitive functions and reducing anxiety. 

So, the next time you have an exam, you can take vitamin C tablets to help you relax and give your brain the boost it needs. However, another way to prepare for an exam is by setting aside enough time to study. If essay assignments are getting in the way, you should consider using LetsGradeIt to get talented and affordable academic writers to help with your assignments. Finding a good online writing company alone can take time, but this website offers unbiased reviews that you can access for free.

Vitamin D

Spending an hour in the sun daily can give you all the vitamin D you need for the rest of the day. Aside from making your skin look good, this vitamin has the added benefit of improving memory, concentration, and overall brain performance. If you can’t get enough sunlight where you stay, you can always consider eating foods rich in vitamin D, such as Orange Juice and beef liver. Vitamin D also helps improve sleep and general mental well-being and reduce fatigue. A pro tip would be to prepare yogurt smoothies with almonds to take with you during exams. It’s common knowledge students find it hard to cook during this period, but a smoothie is pretty easy to make, can be preserved, and is also very healthy.

Vitamin E

As part of the brain’s normal process, free radicals are created. Due to the unstable nature of these atoms, they can lead to cognitive decline over time. However, scientists have identified antioxidants as the best way to combat free radicals. So, even though you’re still in your teens, there’s a lot to gain from taking vitamin E early. You’re more likely to prevent or at least reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and other related cognitive diseases.

Vitamin K

Most teenagers will experience mood swings due to mental development, pressure from school, or other factors. These experiences are okay because they help build character. However, there’s a difference between being under pressure and feeling exceedingly overwhelmed or even depressed. If you’re looking for a healthy way to keep your mental health in check, you might want to consider including vitamin K in your diet. Studies have shown that vitamin K can help reduce and prevent depression symptoms. While this vitamin can’t be considered a replacement for therapy, it can help when you’re feeling down due to the day’s activities.


Overall, enough strong indications show vitamins can help with memory and mood. Whether it’s vitamin K and vitamin E to help with your mental well-being or vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 to give your brain some memory boost. Hence, it’s advised we all do our best to follow a healthy lifestyle as it’s more likely to help with our mood and memory.

For more info about vitamin deficiencies please read The Scary Reality of Nutrient Deficiency, Binge Eating, and Universal Basic Meal Plan Principles.

About the Author

Jared Levenson is a former binge eating wrestler turned Zen Buddhist Monk, Internal Family Systems counselor and nutrition wellness coach. He's helped hundreds of people through universal meal principles and internal family systems to make peace with food, stop binge eating, and find true health and wholeness.


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