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Try 1 Min Quiz - 8 Yes / No Questions

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How many symptoms do you have - yes or no?

the 8 medical criteria of binge eating (1)

If you purge then you have Bulimia, which is different than Binge Eating Disorder

You May Also See Other Online Binge Eating Quizzes for Similar Info:

Here is a list of reliable online binge eating disorder assessments and quizzes provided by reputable sources:

  1. National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Binge Eating Disorder Screening Tool - This screening tool is a short, confidential questionnaire that can help indicate if a person has binge eating disorder. The assessment takes about five minutes to complete and is free to access - 
  2. Recovery Warriors Binge Eating Quiz - This quiz is designed to help identify if an individual has binge eating disorder or other eating disorders. It is a series of questions about thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and symptoms related to binge eating disorder. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete and is free to access.
  3. Center for Clinical Intervention's Binge Eating Self Help Programme - This is a self-assessment tool that provides insights into binge eating disorder and is designed to support individuals in overcoming binge eating. The assessment is free to access and takes roughly 10 minutes to complete.
  4. Eating Disorder Hope Binge Eating Disorder Self-Assessment - This tool is designed to help individuals with binge eating disorders identify the signs and symptoms of their binge eating patterns. The assessment is free to access and takes roughly five minutes to complete.
  5. The Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) Screening Tool - This is a brief questionnaire that can help individuals determine if they meet the criteria for binge eating disorder. The assessment takes roughly five minutes to complete and is free to access.

It's important to keep in mind that online assessments and quizzes are not intended to provide a diagnosis. It’s always essential to speak with a healthcare professional or a licensed therapist to determine if one has binge eating disorder or other eating disorders.